
GettheTheGreatSuspenderOriginalChromeextension.Downloadthelatestversion(7.2.6)nowinjustafewclicks.,2023年10月26日—Makeyourcomputerrunsmoothlybysuspendingthetabsyouaren'tusing.,TheGreatSuspender...TheGreatSuspenderisafreeandopen-sourceGoogleChromeextensionforpeoplewhofindthatchromeisconsumingtoomuchsystem ...,2021年3月7日—IfindsomeTheGreatSuspendersinChromeWebStore,butwhichoneistrue?TheGreatSus...

The Great Suspender Original

Get the The Great Suspender Original Chrome extension. Download the latest version (7.2.6) now in just a few clicks.

The Great Suspender (notrack)

2023年10月26日 — Make your computer run smoothly by suspending the tabs you aren't using.


The Great Suspender ... The Great Suspender is a free and open-source Google Chrome extension for people who find that chrome is consuming too much system ...

Which one is the real The Great Suspender? · Issue #1335

2021年3月7日 — I find some The Great Suspenders in Chrome Web Store, but which one is true? The Great Suspender Original The Great Suspender 1 The Great ...

The Great Suspender 不能用了怎麼辦?來找尋替代方案!

2021年2月8日 — The Great Suspender 因為新接手的維護者植入了可疑的程式碼,先跟大家說聲掰掰!(已經被Google 下架了,並且連頁面套件頁面都消失無蹤。).

The Great Suspender (@greatsuspender) ...

The Great Suspender is a lightweight chrome extension that automatically suspends unused tabs to free up system resources.

熱門Chrome擴充程式The Great Suspender在第三方接手後 ...

2021年2月5日 — 研究人員Calum McConnell警告,接手The Great Suspender的可能是惡意人士,因之後釋出的7.1.8版被嵌入惡意程式,以用來追蹤使用者或執行廣告詐騙。 .

自動凍結Chrome 沒在用的分頁,釋放更多系統資源

2021年6月3日 — The Great Suspender Original 擴充外掛,自動凍結Chrome 沒在用的分頁,釋放更多系統資源.

The Great Suspender Original removed from Chrome Web ...

2023年5月3日 — The Great Suspender Original was ADWARE. It would change all of your top google results to affiliate websites, making a google search useless.

Google kills The Great Suspender

2021年2月5日 — The Great Suspender, an extension that automatically shut down tabs you weren't using, has been blocked by Google because it contains ...